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Using advanced algorithms, the Maxwell Stanley solution improves data accuracy, identifies missed income and enhances associated performance and clinical outcome metrics.
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Recover £1m+ of missed income

The Maxwell Stanley solution undertakes a targeted and automated identification of individual episodes with potential coding errors and missed comorbidities that impact on income.

This enables Trusts and hospitals to benefit from an immediate improvement in the accuracy of their income for elective work, often realising hundreds of thousands of pounds in missed income within weeks.

The solution also improves data quality across non-elective activity to provide accurate financial baselines for ‘fixed’ elements and support contract negotiations.

We knew that there was potential in our data – the introduction of block contract funding during COVID, which also introduced home working for many of our teams – lead to a reduction in the accuracy of our coding. Maxwell Stanley have not only identified an incredible amount of additional income, but also improved our published coding depth figures. In just 4 months!

Deputy Director of IT
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Improve mortality rates

The Maxwell Stanley solution undertakes a targeted and automated identification of individual episodes with potential coding errors and missed comorbidities that impacts the accuracy of mortality rate data quality.

The identification of this incorrect information is vital for morbidity data quality, as published SHMI scores can inaccurately reflect the hospital performance.

The solution outcome provides Trusts and hospitals with a fast improvement of their SHMI score, often resulting in an 'as expected' rating, despite there being no changes to clinical processes.

We asked Maxwell Stanley to help us identify whether there were improvements that would improve our financial position to ensure we are able to recover the correct income for the treatments and care our clinicians provide and they really delivered – we have seen measurable increases in case value and they’re providing us with regular reporting, which we use to educate our coding teams and clinicians to reduce documentation and coding errors in future. Our SHMI score improved significantly, and this has been sustained.

Deputy Director, Strategy and Planning

The process

During your free 1 month trial, Maxwell Stanley analyses your data comprehensively to ensure the full benefits are realised:


  • 12 months of data processed through the solution

  • Identification of targeted Spells from the most recent month for review

  • Spells prioritised based on client requirements such as income or mortality

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  • Maxwell Stanley qualified auditors review 100 high priority spells, validating coding accuracy against clinical documents

  • Trust signs-off amendments where auditors have confirmed inaccurate coding and documentation

  • Agreed amendments made within the PAS record

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  • Maxwell Stanley present findings, including financial impact

  • Analysis of reasons for error

  • Qualitative feedback on quality of documentation and coding

  • Projections of financial opportunity going forward

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Next steps

Our team of expert coding consultants can help you to implement improvements.

Explore our case studies

We've helped a number of Trusts to identify missed income and improve mortality data.